vst-mac news • are you plugged in ?


adding mda combo, mda dynamics, mda roundpan,
mda talkbox, and mda test tone to the audiounit list.

adding stuccoland´s mungrainer, origamist, phad, recordor,
and delay-o-rama to the OS 9 pluggo list.

adding alternator, vocoder, tapey, stuck, stretcher,
spectreman, shep ring mod, pshyft, piler, multiplier,
granola, granny1, granny2, granny3, freezer, downtime,
, crisper, clickface, washington DC offset,
, clickets, and cement mixer by greg davis to
the OS 9 pluggo list.


logic audio has been updated to 6.2 .

removing anwidasoft stuff from OS 9 list .


today´s 1.2 update of (host) DSP quattro supports audiounits
now in addition to VST/VST-i .

all waves 4.x plug-ins will now run with the waveshell for
audiounit format.

there is a 2.0.2 update for absynth 2.0, and a reaktor update
to version 4.0.3 .


xphraze updated to 1.1, the OSX version is a .vst now.

v-station audiounit updated to 1.2 .

halion 2.0 updated to 2.0.1 - which finally includes the
OS 9 version.

altiverb updated to 2.1 - this update finally gets rid of the
annoying limit for installed responses.

a picture of an goodlooking imposcar .
in the meantime we are still waiting ...

adding vokator to the list of available audiounits.

i have never added the new OSX surround edition by
steinberg, so lets retrieve this today:
adding Octo Comp, Octo Q, Octo Maxx, Octo Verb,
LFE Splitter, and LFE Combiner to OSX VST list.

prosonic updated pi-warp to 2.1 and orange vocoder
to 2.7 .


it is 5:00 in the morning and my thermometer still shows 33°C

the Rhein river in Duesseldorf, germany


tera synth updated to 1.3 .

canz 3d spatial software updated to 2.1, this time
including a .vst build .

adding motu altiverb to OSX VST list.

adding usbsounds´plugsound free, xtreme fx, and ultrafocus
sampleplayers to all three lists.
their charlie and angel organ modules which first should be
HTDM/OSX-only, will also be available in VST 9 and X and in
audiounit format.

adding TC electronics restoration bundle for powercore (VST+AU),
which consists of descratch, denoise, and declick.

then we forgot these:
d´cota SE, grooveagent SE, halion SE, the grand SE, and
virtual guitarist EE SE

they are light versions of the originals and are only available in
a SE "start edition" bundle.


as of today (host) melodyne 2.0 has been released .

(host) digital performer 4.1 was sheduled for the day after
tomorrow, and it will finally come with the audiounit interface.


adding smart electronix - mdsp analog delay to OSX list.

adding audiounit version of TC native bundle 3.0 .

unity session has been updated to 3.2 .

there is a 2.0.1 update for absynth 2.0 - and ...

there is a 2.0.1 update for nuendo 2.0 .

there is an 6.1.1 update for logic audio 6.1.0 - OS 9 .

crystal has been updated last week, to 2.4 .

adding buzzer audiounit synth, from alphakanal .

adding yellowtools - candy. when we are talking about candy,
we are talking about 9 gigabytes of saxophone samples.

comment for 08-2000

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