new entries in the lists, and some random
albino 2.0 for OSX can be exspected in the next days, and linplug
also published the
audiounit version of
MHC spacesynth has been updated to 2.0 .
graindelay, and
to the pluggo OS 9 list.
take care, the distribution is not complete, they require some free
third party objects to be installed in the runtime folder.
cosmo by gleetchplug to the
OS 9 pluggo list.
the brilliant sonalksis compressor is available, and they announced
already a new limiter plug-in to be made.
wavearts announces a new mastering limiter, too.
if you are not beta testing it anyway, have a
at first
minimoog pictures on arturia website.
arturia probably skipped the idea of a dedicated 19" hardware
version of the minimoog.
adding gerzonic´s
AB ambisonic
channel test tool to VST OSX list.
it might cause some a little stomach ache, but due to our plug-in
policy we must now add
sibelius kontakt player silver
sibelius kontakt player gold
into all lists.
when i was hunting for NAMM information i overlooked something
very important when i announced sonicworx OSX, the press release
from prosonic the next day made that clear.
sonicworx will not be updated - it will disontinued.
and then it will be reborn as a set of plug-ins !
comment for februar
today is friday 13th, but the bad thing already
happened two days ago:
the synthesizer company waldorf is bankrupt.
when i hear this, it is impossible for me not to blubber once again
about capitalism itself, shareholder value, and people which are busy
with alliances, cooperations, and campagins - instead of creating new
products for paying customers.
money does not make money. and fraud does not make friends.
in fact i can be really happy that i could not preorder my afb for
USD 2.200 (only because it still does not support macintosh) .
the money would have been lost.
congrats go to emagic this month:
it was right not to accept soundtrack or garageband as little sister,
a replacement for micrologic was needed. a shrinked down logic
audio, with less tracks and no extra plug-ins, makes a perfect
micro logic.
the product "logic pro" can imo be called a price drop of the sequencer;
for the first time in 3 years one of the big ones went down in price.
lets see what other companies do about this ...
con .. con .. consomething (out of con- headings
is a new utility for java-programmers which want
to make VST plug-ins without diving to deep into C++.
the wrapper itself is a windows project, but since java is java,
the wrapper and the plug-in sources will also perfectly compile
on - and for - mac os 9 and X.
con ... conjunction ? conglomerate ? coincidence ? hmm ...