vst-mac news • a spring alone doesnt make a reverb


OSX version of the grand is here - free from the steinberg ftp
server as usual.  it is a "public beta" but it seems ok.

atmosphere, stylus and trilogy from spectrasonics found their
way to OSX, and there are also updates for the OS 9 versions.


there is an 1.1 update and an OSX version for the amplitube

the ritmo audiounit says it would be 1.0 final now.


kantos and autotunes are available for VST OSX now.


adding sampletank to the carbon list, the update is available for
a nasty fee of US$80.

amplitube updated to version 1.1

motu´s altiverb is now available as audiounit


adding sfx machine (yes, it is this thing!) to the plug-in lists for
OS 9, OS X, and audiounit.


halion 2.0 update is already available, earlier than exspected.

MAXMSP for OSX is available now; and a newer beta of jit.objects.


antares - tube goes OSX.

adding bias - sqeeze to the OSX list. (.vst, and peak 4 only)

with the 3.1 update from unity session we can also add this product
to the list of available audiounits.


one of the most wanted items for OS 9 is available for the public as
of today; cubase VST 5.2 with systemlink.
the update is free for registred users, and it also fixes an issue
regarding rewire settings not properly saved with song.


audiounit support announced for final cut pro 4.0 and peak 4.0 .

chris reed publishes beta version of the first drumsampler
music-device, (AU-i) ritmo.


adding megatron and imposcar synths to OS 9 and OSX VST lists.

unity session updated to 3.1 .

(host) fxpansion AU2VST wrapper can now be preordered.

comment for 04-2003


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