vst-mac news • leave me a message


new entry

adding audiounit version of Vsamp.

the development of (AU) or (VST) interface for next version of
melodyne has been cancelled.


new entry

new entry: (host) rt player from d-sound is finally out, but it is OSX only now, i could cry.

new entry: (VST) TC 24/7-C for powercore - free !

new entry: (C74) VET-1 synthesizer v. 2.0 by victor cerullo.
this one is worth looking. it is a free pluggo which uses a 16tone-scale.
he has got other scales for your pluggo support/externals folder ready,
dont miss´em.

new entry: (VST) Sony - Oxford R3-EQ , carbon and classic.

new entry: (VST) Sony - Oxford Inflator - in announced status : )

new entry: a bunch of cute little gui-less carbon-only (VST) plugins,
from didjital.   i think we must talk to them about the carbon-only.

logic audio goes 5.5 ... comes with a few more (AU)s.

(host) final vinyl, a simple audio editor for griffins i-mic, is to be added
to the list of audiounit-hosts today.

PSP-84 is available now and it includes a carbon build, that obviously means that more carbonised PSPs will follow in the near future.

rumpelrauschies are updated again.

and for those who care, that MMP minimal plug-in from dragan is out ...
(download it from macmusic.org or versiontracker)


new entry

new loneroger plug-in today, immediately download please.

postsomnia also added new stuff and updates.

there are updates for (VST-i) halion and (VST-i) tera available.


new entry

new entry: (AU) crunch by chris reed. ->

MAX/MSP for OSX is here - public beta.
maxmsp install
jitter externals
jitter pdf


new entry

waldorf posted updates and carbonised versions for all their older plug-ins,
, attack, and ppg.

the we-del watermark software is a VST plug-in for windows only (pardon!) , which adds XML-based watermarks into your audiofiles, the free download of the fullversion is a time-limited offer for 3 or 4 weeks.


new entry

virtual guitarist carbon is underway now, including one new soundbank/plug-in.

when two virtual guitarist are installing 34.000 files on your harddisk,
how many files will be installed when you have three of them ?
send in the right answer and win a real acoustic guitar ...

check out these cute new pluggos.

more 3.0 updated loneroger pluggos available.

and here are even more, which i also see for the first time: http://www.postsomnia.com/


all free third party pluggo plug-ins will now work again in the free available pluggo runtime.

there are updates for the rumpelrausch synths.

there is an 1.5.1 update for slayer.

there is a chrystal 2.0, but only for people which spend money on british magazines full of advertisements.


new entry

antares posted a bugfixed kantos 1.0.1

all prosonic VST plug-ins will be shipped for OSX in the next days and of course thats a free upgrade.  we can add (VST) prosonic - northpole for OSX already as they posted that yesterday, download here.
from what i hear is VST one platform for their new neuronal software based on the hartmann synth too ... hmmmm.

oh yes, and of course (VST) G-media - Oddity must be added to the VST list page for OS 9 finally, now that it exists officially. (see website)


it begins to annoy me: there is an update for altiverb from 4.0.6 to 4.0.7 now.  there will probably be a update until end of the week, you have to check it on your own then. :)

adding audiounit versions of eqium, firium, inspector.


(VST-i) zr-3 is released under GPL now ... quite cool that the audioworld slowly starts to discover GNU ...


new entry

metro now supports VST 2.0 including instruments, and of course it can host (AU).  go download the OSX version of metro 6.0 public beta.

(VST-i) da organ and (VST-i) jungelist are now carbonized.  

there is more new posts for last month, sorry for the delay ... check older news ...

oh yes i know .. and the links to the authors ... still not done ... the most important thing for many readers .. heehee... give me a few more days ...

comment for 11-2002

OS 9

it seems the big late summer rush of new OS 9 plug-ins is over now and maybe i manage it to update the OSX list and (AU) list finally - somewhen before 2007.  it will be really intersting if there will ever be 1000 VST plug-ins for OS 9 -i havent counted but it must be nearly 900 now, including the ones which i exspect for the future (like pulsar 3.1).  what should i say, i hope it will happen !

at the moment i am a bit busy but of course we will keep everything up-to-date as much as possible. carsten wanted to make me the news page with php now, but 1. i am just fine with the html way and 2. that what i tried so far only worked in mac os 10.2 but not on linux (and i have no idea why) , and regarding this server, we dont even have php installed here : )


i have been asked why audiounits.  this question is understandable, despite the fact that this is called the "list of vst plug-ins",  it must look like preparations for suicide.  but the answer why (AU) is simple, we are intersted in realtime audio processing, and for (MAS) there is a more or less complete listing on the motu website, for audiosuite there is one too, for TDM it wouldnt make much sense to have a listing of all available plug-ins because this shit usually only works on specific farm cards before the next upgrade has to be bought, so you can never use all products you own in the same setup.    for VST, you can not exspect some steinberg webmaster to keep track about the avaragely - thru the last 12 months - 0.8 new VST plug-ins ... per day !    and i exspect many entries for the (AU) list in the future too - you must be crazy to list them on a page - i am crazy - and so it is me who does this job.

i also have been asked why the date is always wrong i.e. behind.  well it is not.  i am posting with the right date normally to my own computers but i´ll upload it to the server one or two days later.  hahaha ...


if there is anybody who wants to do the (AU) content in the future i would be glad to get some help, just tell me you are the one.  however there is still the good old option called leave me a message to notify or to ask me about new stuff and correct me where i am wrong in the "news board". what you post there is theoretically readable for everyone who knows the name of the archive, but usually i read and delete as soon as i get something in there.  

questions about warez or any kind of offers from companies such as a sampletank-banner deal (LOL) will be ignored, leave your message elsewhere in that case (nuendo.com forums ?).  in here it is all about plain information.

thanks for watching this program ...


